Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees
Legislators and staff from federal, provincial and territorial public accounts committees across Canada meet each year simultaneously with the Canadian Council of Legislative Auditors to discuss matters relating to financial accountability. The annual CCPAC and CCOLA conferences also permit the delegates to participate in a joint session to discuss subjects of mutual interest to elected officials and legislative auditors.

Public Accounts Committees
Public Accounts Committees are parliamentary committees established by legislatures across Canada. These committees support public sector financial oversight by reviewing and reporting to legislatures on the audit findings of Auditors General on government financial statements and the administration of government organizations.
As a key part of legislative accountability arrangements to safeguard public money, Public Accounts Committees examine government’s use of public money, and the effectiveness of public programs authorized by legislatures. To support their mandates, legislatures generally empower Public Accounts Committees to hear from Auditors General and government witnesses, and to report on their activities to legislatures. The work of Public Accounts Committees benefits all citizens by focusing attention on ways to ensure value for money and to secure financial savings for taxpayers in the delivery of public services.

Annual Conferences
Conferences are held yearly, hosted by a Canadian jurisdiction. Once information is obtained on conference dates and physical locations they will be posted here. As well, should transcripts or summaries be made available following a conference, they will be made available here as well.